$88 million invested

The State Government has invested $68 million with project partner UniSA contributing a further $20 million for capital costs.

A new headquarters for the South Australian Sports Institute (SASI) will be built at Mile End to complement existing athletics and netball stadiums and create a world class high-performance hub for sport. The new facility will provide South Australia with state-of-the-art training facilities and leading-edge integrated technologies.

The new SASI will include:

  • Strength and conditioning gym capable of accommodating multiple sports and teams
  • Specially designed indoor court with smart technology
  • Sport specific ergometer training zones
  • Indoor bounding areas
  • Environment chamber for simulated heat, humidity and altitude stress training

Lead contractors

Architect: Cox Architecture

Cost Manager: Chris Sale Consulting

Project start:
Expected completion:
Current status:
Under construction

Project update - landscaping works

Beautification/landscaping works within the Mile End Sports Precinct have been undertaken by the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing. Several components of the site have been improved, including:

  • Enhancement of the walking / cycling path through a clean-up of overgrown and dead vegetation along the pathway and pruning trees to shape to maintain clear sight lines across the site.
  • Beautification of the entry statement to the site from Railway Terrace on both sides of the road.
  • New native trees being planted along with a range of hardy and drought tolerant shrubs and ground covers that will provide a variety of colour in the landscape throughout the year.
  • Over 800 plants being planted at the entry to the site with newly irrigated garden bed area and lawn area.
  • Views to the SA Athletics Stadium and Netball SA Stadiums have been opened up so they can be seen from Railway Terrace.

Netball SA signage covered by tree

Netball SA signage next to trees

Bush and shrubs covering up signage

News plants in front of signage

Overgrown garden bed

Landscaped garden bed

Patchy lawn

Garden bed and new lawn

Garden be with new plants

Garden bed with new plants

Garden bed with new plants

Garden bed and new lawn

More information


Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing


Phone: 1300 714 990

SASI website