
The State Government is enabling more South Australians to be active by investing in unique sport and recreation initiatives which support safe, increased sporting participation across the state.

Through the latest round of the Active State Collaboration Program (ASCP), more than $1.4 million in funding has been allocated to 11 inclusive projects that provide everyone with an opportunity to participate in sport and recreation.

One of the successful program applicants was the South Australian Sports Medicine Association (SASMA), which will receive $190,000 to deliver the ‘CLUB SAFETY TICK’ initiative in South Australia, furthering their important work in addressing the issues around concussion in sport.

This initiative will provide a framework for sporting organisations and councils to develop, enhance, and implement medical sport safety action plans that are measurable and can seamlessly integrate into routine operations.

The aim is to create safer sporting environments, to enhance the overall experience for all individuals and their families and increase participation through a culture of wellbeing and inclusivity.

The project will be delivered in conjunction with YMCA SA, SANFL, Medipro Sports Tape & Medical Supplies, Sport SA, City of Holdfast Bay, Limestone Coast Local Government Association, Netball SA and City of Onkaparinga.

The launch of the ‘CLUB SAFETY TICK’ initiative’ follows the ongoing success of SASMA’s Community Concussion Program, which was supported with additional State Government funding in 2023.

So far, more than 2,000 participants across a wide range of sporting codes, clubs and regions have attended sessions to gain a better understanding of concussion management – from identifying and managing concussion, to supporting rehabilitation back to school, work and sport.

This focus on safety is a key aspect in supporting more young South Australians to get active – and stay active. Only 37% of 5-9 year olds, 22% of 10-14 year olds and 14% of 15-17 years olds are meeting the physical activity requirements of 60 minutes per day.

A total of 36 projects have now received their share in $4 million of funding through the ASCP, which aims to create a more active and healthier community. For a full list of 2023-24 recipient projects, click here.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing Katrine Hildyard

Sport and recreation plays a pivotal role in communities across South Australia, creating a strong sense of belonging and improving participants’ physical, mental, and emotional health and wellbeing.

I am proud that our government is funding programs through the ASCP that consistently deliver more opportunities for South Australians to be active.

More than 2,000 people have now attended sessions conducted by SASMA to gain a better understanding of concussion and how to manage it – this program is a shining example of the impact this funding creates.

I have no doubt that the CLUB SAFETY TICK initiative, being funded through this round of the ACSP, will make a strong difference in helping ensure clubs provide safe and welcoming environments for all.

By facilitating partnerships through the ASCP, we are bringing together a wide range of experiences, skillsets and innovative ideas to help us progress a more active South Australia and to help ensure diverse groups of people, particularly young people, experience the many benefits that being involved in sport brings.

Quotes attributable to Danielle Grant-Cross, CEO of South Australian Sports Medicine Association (SASMA)

The CLUB SAFETY TICK program will attract families and players of all ages and provide peace of mind that their club takes safety seriously with concussion education, policies, appropriate first aid kits, stretchers, accredited sports trainers and sideline help personnel.

This initiative supports active lives, important community connection with all having a role to play. Choose a club/sport that has the TICK!