
Grant programs often take many months to progress from the application stage all the way through to notification, please refer to each program's guidelines for an indication of timelines. The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing can never guarantee the receipt of funding and applicants are encouraged to prepare themselves for either outcome.

Once an application form has been submitted through SmartyGrants, typically the following process occurs:

  1. Screening
  2. Assessment
  3. Recommendation
  4. Notification


The application is screened to ensure all questions have been answered, important documents are attached, and the applicant and project meets the eligibility criteria. You may be required to edit your application. Ensure you submit your completed application by the required timeframe. The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing cannot view an application until it has been submitted.


A Funding Assessment Committee is established and the Committee assesses all applications and makes suggested recommendations to the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing.


The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing reviews the suggested recommendations and the final recommendations are forwarded to the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing for consideration.


Once the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing or authorised delegate has approved the grants, all applicants are notified of the outcome.

Obligations and guidelines

If you have been successful in obtaining funding, there are obligations and guidelines you must adhere to:

Keeping your contact details up-to-date

Club and association committees change frequently - please login to SmartyGrants and update your details when necessary. If you are seeking to change the registered user for an application, please email or call using the details below.

Branding and logos

If you are required to promote the Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing as a funding source for your project, please email elise.julian@sa.gov.au with your request, and details of how and where the logo will be used.