Active Club Program

Providing funding support to active recreation and sport clubs to further develop the programs and services they provide within the South Australian community. Grants of either $1,500 or $3,000 will be available for each applicant based on the membership of the club.

Applications closed

Key dates

2023-24 Round 52

Applicants notified: May 2024

Guidelines and budget

2023-24 Round 52

Program Guidelines

Budget: $1,289,000

To be eligible for the ACP, applicants must be:

  • A not-for-profit active recreation or sport club or community organisation whose purpose is the delivery of active recreation or sport programs and services in South Australia; or
  • A not-for-profit recreational fishing club whose purpose is the delivery of recreation programs and services in South Australia; and *
  • Be incorporated under the Associations Incorporations Act 1985 (SA), and
  • Have a minimum total membership base of 20 members. Total membership can include associate, social and life membership, and
  • Be operating for 12 months or longer.

Where an applicant has not applied to ORSR previously, additional information will be requested to ensure the applicant meets the eligibility criteria, and in order to assist with an accurate assessment. The following additional information will be requested:

  • Previous names and addresses of the applicant organisation, or amalgamation details of the applicant where applicable.
  • A copy of the applicant's approved and registered constitution.
  • Details of the facility land owner, and current lease and licence terms.
  • A breakdown of membership.

Please note further information is available in the Program Guidelines.

The following organisations will be considered ineligible for ACP funding:

  • An organisation that holds a Gaming Machine Licence.
  • Organisations that have been operating for less than 12 months.
  • For profit, commercial organisations.
  • Local Councils (Local Government Authorities).
  • State associations and peak bodies receiving State Sport and Recreation Development Program funding.
  • Educational institutions.
  • An organisation whose purpose is not the delivery of active recreation, sport or recreational fishing programs.
  • An organisation that has overdue ORSR grant acquittals as at the closing date of the applications. However, applications may be considered by the Funding Assessment Committee if these overdue ORSR acquittals have been submitted prior to the first day of the assessment conducted by the Funding Assessment Committee.
  • An organisation that has a total membership base of less than 20 members.
  • An organisation that cannot demonstrate a level of financial sustainability.
  • Organisations that were successful through the South Australian Government’s 2022-23 Car Club Program (program, equipment and operational stream) administered by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport.

Whilst applicants cannot apply for a specific amount, grants of either $1,500 or $3,000 will be available for each applicant based on the membership of the club. For eligible applicants with less than 100 members the maximum grant available will be $1,500 and for applicants with 100 or more members the maximum grant available will be $3,000.

If you are successful, an ACP Grant can be used to cover costs associated with enabling participation in sport. The following list includes costs that the grant may be used for. The list is by no means exhaustive, other costs that meet the objectives of the program are welcome. For a comprehensive list with examples, please refer to the Program Guidelines.

Eligible Project Costs ✓Ineligible Project Costs ✘
Sporting equipmentOperating costs
Fishing equipmentCovering food, catering costs and catering utensils
Uniforms and protective gearWhite goods
Professional developmentFurniture
Positive menstural health initiativesNon-essential technology
Medical trainingPrizes
Medical equipmentWages
Club promotionFacility projects and capital works
Hardship subsidiesTravel and accommodation
Technology directly associated with participation or club sustainabilityStationery
Playing venue maintenance equipmentSubscriptions
 Motor vehicles

Where an application is deemed eligible, the Funding Assessment Committee will prioritise it against the following principles:

Sport and active recreation organisations:

  • When an applicant last received funding for a Program and Equipment grant through the Active Club Program.
  • Whether an applicant is affiliated with its Peak Body.
  • Whether the applicant is represented in regular competition by: 
    • Female junior teams or individuals (non-team sport).
    • Male junior teams or individuals (non-team sport).
    • Female senior teams or individuals (non-team sport).
    • Male senior teams or individuals (non-team sport).

Recreational fishing clubs:

  • Whether an applicant is affiliated with RecFish SA.
  • Whether an applicant offers regular competition.
  • Whether the applicant has regular participation by:
    • Female junior.
    • Male junior.
    • Female senior.
    • Male senior.

For the purposes of this program, juniors are considered as primary school or high school aged children.

STEP 1 – Application Screening

ORSR conducts a preliminary assessment of all applications.

  • Ensuring the applicant organisation is eligible to apply,
  • That the application has been completed in full, and all essential information has been provided (incomplete applications may be deemed ineligible).

If an application fails to pass eligibility screening the applicant will be contacted via email, using the details provided in the application. The online application form will be reopened for the applicant to update and resubmit.

If an application is not resubmitted before the first day of the Assessment by the Funding Assessment Committee, the application will be deemed withdrawn.

During the screening process, ORSR may request further information.

STEP 2 – Assessment Against Criteria

As stated above in 'Assessment Criteria'.

STEP 3 – Recommendations

Once the assessment is completed, the Chief Executive, of ORSR will provide funding recommendations to the Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing for consideration. All organisations will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.

When unforeseen circumstances occur in the delivery of your grant, grantees can seek to amend the terms or conditions, seek additional time or amend the purpose/outcome of the grant.

If you require an amendment, please contact us with your application number and we will forward an Agreement Variation Request through SmartyGrants, which will ask what you would like varied and why you need it varied, for that specific grant.

Your Agreement Variation Request will be considered, and you will be notified of the outcome of your request.