Strength Report

Based on regional engagement and community consultation, in partnership with the Whyalla City Council, ORSR has developed a strength report detailing the strengths as identified by the community.


Strategic Planning to Create Sustainable Program that Build Broader Community: Identifying needs, offerings and facilities to enable sport and recreation opportunities for Whyalla’s diverse and transient community

Business, Agencies and Education to Invest in Sporting Ecosystem: Pooling the available knowledge, passion and resources to create sport and recreation opportunities and build capacity of those enabling current opportunities

Peer to Peer Storytelling to Drive Social Change: Empowering the community to tell stories of their positive sport and recreation experiences

Bringing Events to Town and Incorporating Community Services: Developing a 12 month calendar of activities incorporating physical activity

Young Leaders Driving Future Sporting Opportunities: Empowering the youth of Whyalla to identify performance pathways, networks and leadership opportunities to instigate meaningful future change

Connected and Active Communities Project Officer Whyalla

Alberto Salatino